Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Coyote Visits Chicago Sandwich Stop

This is crazy.........blame it on global warming. :o)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

CHICAGO — For one day, at least, the roadrunner was safe. It seems the coyote was hankering for another kind of fast food.

Employees and customers at a downtown Chicago Quiznos sandwich shop were stunned to see a coyote walk through the propped-open front door Tuesday afternoon and lie down in a cooler stocked with fruit juice and soda.

"It wasn't aggressive at all," restaurant manager Bina Patel told the Chicago Tribune. "It was just looking around."

Employees and customers calmly cleared out of the restaurant, though some took the time to finish their sandwiches and snap some cell-phone photos, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Animal control officers took the passive coyote away after about 40 minutes, after a curious crowd had gathered outside.

"This one definitely I will definitely remember forever. A coyote in downtown Chicago," Quiznos employee Rick Torres told WLS-TV.

The city captures 10 to 15 coyotes every year, especially in the spring when they are most active, said Anne Kent, director of Chicago Animal Care and Control. Veterinarians will examine the coyote and, if he is not injured, release him into the wild.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Neat Trick

If you have ever wondered where people actually lived in your ward now you can see a ward map online: it is actual pretty simple to do..........

The information is all on this page:

Ward Map>Step 1> So you want a Ward Map?

Step 1: Got to and login to your ward site. (Its under the "About the Church" and then "Stake and Ward Websites") If you have never accessed this then you will need your church membership information, including membership number and confirmation date.

Step 2: Click on "Membership Directory"

Step 3: At the top of the list, right side there is a cvs option left click and then click "OK" Save this file to the desktop in order to find it later.

Step 4: Download this file to the desktop:

Step 5: Run the script file: It will ask you if you have the membership directory, click "OK" then find the File you saved in step 3 and hit enter.

Step 6: A new window should pop-up with a map and info search bar. Wait for the markers to load onto the map and you should have a quick map of your ward members.

(Note: if you don't have Flash Player you can load it here. If you need to change the settings for it then click on the Settings and on the third tab at the top change, Global Security Settings, the setting to "Always Allow")

Enjoy the fun.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Grave Digger's Freestyle Run

It's a great save at 2:50 and then watch the end roll.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

After the races was a Freestyle event.........

Batman got in one great jump before his rear axle broke.

This was my favorite obstacle, it was a boat in a pond, then they lifted an ice cream truck on top of it.

Apparently jumping over it wasn't too easy...........

The end of the night for most trucks....being towed out.
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We were able to go to the 2007 Monster Jam World Championships on Saturday night, it was amazing to see the races, these trucks got up to 60 mph before slamming on the brakes and making a U-turn, accelerating and then jumping over cars to the finish line. The world Champion for this year came down to Batman vs. Grave Digger and as you can see by the picture Batman was victorious. It was a blast and we would definitely go again.
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Today was a day to forget

So not only did I fill out my timesheet and have a whopping 67 hours on it, after taking off a few for screw around time, I was dead tired and by lunch needed a break so off to Carl's Jr. I go for a Western Bacon goodness, no sooner do I walk through the door than I realize that I forgot my wallet on my desk, SHOOT!! So I turn around and drive by the old Crystal Cove and back to the office, the drive rejuvenates me and I start working thinking that I will just leave even earlier, well by 2:30 I am dead and HUNGRY so I decide to run and grab something, on my way out I realized that I almost forgot the wallet again, I can't believe that I actually got stuff done around there today, well i came back and worked until 5 anyways and on my way out to the Jeep realize that I don't have my wallet.........well I had just cleaned up my desk and panic starts to hit.........frantic search of cubicle turns up nothing, even crazier search of Jeep turns up garbage and a basketball nothing.......back inside and scour the conference room, submittal room and coworkers desks.......nothing, so back outside......nothing........bathroom nothing!!! About half way through I realized that I may have left it in the Jeep.........crap that is not good, or that it fell out on my way inside....even worse. Drive home after forty minutes of searching and start calling credit card companies.........charge already shows up from Terrible Herbst.........and I didn't even buy anything from there........yep it is stolen.......I found these five steps below and followed them although I did not have #1 done and would suggest that you take the five minutes to do least make a list.......even of store savings cards.....I am sitting here thinking did I have that???? Oh and be prepared to sit on hold for the time was thirty minutes.....but that could just be Vegas on a Friday night.

Crap, Crap, Crap

Step 1. The first step is something you should do NOW -- before anything goes wrong: Make copies of all your credit cards, ID cards and licenses -- everything in your wallet.If you think you're immune from having your credit cards stolen, you're wrong. We hope it never happens to you, but it certainly could, and your experience will be less traumatic if you are prepared.Make sure you photocopy both sides of all your cards, and/or list your account numbers, and the toll free phone numbers you'd need to call to report them missing. Keep this photocopy in a separate, safe place.If you've already done this in the past, have you updated it lately? Is a copy of everything in your wallet included?

Step 2. The second thing to do is call the companies that issued your credit cards to report the theft. Do this as soon as you discover the problem. Use the toll free number -- most companies are available 24 hours a day to deal with these emergencies. Write down the name of each person you speak with.It's a good idea to follow up each of your phone calls with a letter (you can do this after you complete Step 5 -- it's not as time critical). Summarize your phone conversation, including your name, account number, when you noticed that your card was missing, the date you first reported the loss via phone, and the name of the person you spoke with.Alternatively, you can purchase a credit card registration service for an annual fee and register your account numbers with this service. Then, you only have to make one phone call to report all card losses (rather than calling each individual issuer). Many services also will request replacement credit cards on your behalf.We believe these services are pricey for what they offer, but some people appreciate the service. If you go this route, compare offers since they do vary. In any event, you do need to make sure you keep your info up to date with the registration service, or it won't help you.

Step 3. Next, call the three national credit-reporting agencies to report the theft, and ask them to attach a 'fraud alert' to all your credit cards. Here are the three agencies and their numbers:
Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
Experian (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742
Trans Union: 1-800-680-7289

Step 4. If your social security card is missing, call the Social Security Administration (fraud line) at 1-800-269-0271. Also, be sure the Motor Vehicles Bureau about your drivers license, as well as any other organizations from which you lost cards.

Step 5. Next, call the police in the jurisdiction where your credit card(s) was stolen to report the theft.We hope your credit card and/or wallet is never stolen. However, now you know exactly what to do if it is. Have a great week.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Some from a dam Christmas celebration...

These pictures were taken on the way and at the Hoover Dam, we went there on Christmas Eve, although I have been there a few times, it is the first time that I went on the tour. I was quite impressive as always, but I really wish you were able to go outside and see the dam from the river bottom to get a feel for just how big it really is.
Don't bother me I'm looking at a civil engineering marvel.........

Some beautiful concrete columns to hold up the new bridge...

They allow all sorts of scary people to walk across the dam. Posted by Picasa